Monday, December 17, 2012

Balance is where it's at!

Sometimes, when I go back and read my posts on here, I realize it sounds like all I do is work (lately anyway). This is not true. Matter of fact, that couldn't be further from the truth. I do get  a lot done in the work realm. 

I love my work, but really the main squeezes of my life are two very important M's. Meg and Mambo. Each day, I spend time with Meg and Mambo. I have been walking about three miles a day. I spend time talking with friends. I write letters to my brother. I relax and watch tv. I am currently obsessed with Chicago Fire. I tuned in at first to see Lady Gaga's boyfriend, Taylor Kinney. I have straight girlfriends, who refer to it as Chicago Yum. Turn in, you will see why. Now I am totally hooked. 

I watch Project Runway Allstars. I will watch the regular season in January. I wish my Denver buddy, Jenny Taylor could watch with us! I watch my lady tigers (LSU baby) anytime they have a home game (via an online service that shows live/HD games, thank you technology). We will likely get down to Baton Rouge sometime in the spring to see a few games, live, in person and decked out in purple and gold. 

Meg and I go exploring. We talk about what we want our next house will be like. The plan is to buy a fixer upper. We would love to keep our Denver house if we can & buy a fixer upper in Asheville. We will see. We are in a lease on the rental house (location of photo below) until August 1st of 2013. We have been happy to be free of house projects for a while. I am starting to miss them. (Yes, I am CRAZY, I know).

Meg and I celebrated our 10th anniversary about six weeks ago. We spent a few days in Charleston together. It's was so much fun. We are closer than ever, happy than ever, and we can't wait for the next ten years together.
What I have learned about success is that it's great, but only if you have someone special to share it with. My Meg and Mambo are the reason I do everything I do, every day. I am so lucky, it's ridiculous. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

very, very bad blogger girl!

As you can see by the date of the last blog entry things have been beyond busy since we got back. I have been busier in the last three months than I have in my entire career. I would say I am blowing up! It's amazing! 
I unpacked us in 2 days so I could launch the new Dunleith website less than a week after arriving. The new site is a big hit. Check it out. The site is wonderful and the photography amazing. Meg and I spent 3 days making these photos last May. It was worth the work for sure. You can book online now, you can see the beautiful rooms, and you can read all about Dunleith and her historic past.
I have created a number of new logos since being back in Asheville. I am in love the new Mother Earth Produce logo. So are the clients. They are SO happy about the new look. That is my number one, main goal, happy clients!

I redesigned the website for Mother Earth Produce. The Mother Earth Produce website. I just finished up the new van graphics for Mother Earth Produce and man the van looks great!  Meg photographed the van a couple of days ago for me. I will post photos of the new look here very soon.
I am working on a logo for Lobo Builders. I had a blast working on this one. I had so many ideas. The client is still trying to decide which one is the one. Stay tuned!
I taught my first of many "How to use Facebook for business" classes in late October. The class went very well. I have a whole series of classes planned for next year, mostly the classes will be about how to use social media. The social media world is changing faster than you can say tweet! 
I am launching my "How the hell to be a foodie and be Gluten -free" blog in Feb or March of 2013. I am working on recipes, photos, and other cool content right now. 
I made over the small measure blog for my friend ashley adams english. I love the design of this blog & Ashley. She is so very awesome and an incredible friend. Ashley Adams English and her amazing blog, small measure
So as you can see 2012 was a very successful year for me, personally and for my work. 2013 is going to be a super year as it's my ten year anniversary of running my own business.  I am so lucky to be on the verge of 10 years of doing what I like everyday. I could not have done it without a lot of love and support from my wonderful clients, my amazing friends and the ultimate partner, Meg Reilley. Happy Holidays to all!