Friday, April 10, 2015

Finally, where the hell have I been? Living it up y'all, living it way, way up.

Wow, time flies when you having fun is a very true statement. Well, fun is very important to me. So is resting, taking good care of my self & spending time with my awesome friends and family.

So, let's get you all updated. What has happened since I last posted? OMG, so much. We bought a house in West Asheville, in October, 2013. We love the house so much. It's a very cutie pie 1927 bungalow. We have the best neighbors ever, and jam on the east west Asheville community so much. 

So far, we have renovated the small bath, the kitchen, added a 500+ sq ft photo studio for Meg. (more about this later).

We have visited with friends, planted a garden, pruned trees, saved heirloom bulbs (about 600+ Virginia bluebells), fixed the driveway, made new pathways and garden beds, we had an art party, found big huge quartz rocks, planted fruit trees, did a zombie float & visited with friends on the front porch some more. I think I look better blue, what do you all think? 

We found out last July that Mambo has lung cancer. He has been doing mostly pretty dang well and we are more than grateful to still have him with us. We spoil him rotten all the time and he takes great care of us. 

I have been very, very sick for the last few months. It looks like I might have chrone's disease. I honestly would be happy to know what I have so I can treat it. I gotta lotta great gardens to build, art to make and people to LOVE, so I gotta get well! Like pronto. We are working on it!

Meg has been photographing like crazy. Her work is better than ever. She is really focused on her career and of course, she made each and every house project around here happen, start and finish. She is a mad woman and can get any task accomplished. All while taking great care of me. She is amazing & I love her more every day.

Images are better than words could ever be, so see the last year or so for yourself. 

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