Friday, October 22, 2010

new logo = new website

So, a week or so, before we headed out on our epic road trip, I dreamed about a new logo for lucky design 7. I got up early (real early, 6 am) and cranked it out. I love it. The new look really works for how I feel about my work today. It's also very cute, which in my book, is always good.

Anytime a business gets a new logo, it's like new life. Everything starts to change. So far, I have new business cards, and a new blog header. I am also in the process of designing a new website. My plan is to have the new site live by December. I put the pressure on this project, by paying my web hosting in three months increments, instead of my usual deal, which is to pay my hosting all at once, once a year. Believe me, I don't want to pay two hosting bills, even for a month, so this is excellent motivation.

This is a good strategy for any business trying to get an internal project done. If you don't find a way to put a very concrete deadline on a project, it won't get done.

Believe me, I am just like my clients. I have no problem finishing client graphic design projects, but mine for my business, TOUGH!

I recommend putting your internal stuff, on a list, just like you would for any other job. It's works. I promise.

Happy Friday folks. I am off to an appointment, and then a short work day, then it's the weekend! This weather won't last, enjoy it!


  1. I agree. Getting a new logo is like getting a new life. However, along with the positive change comes the difficulty of establishing it again. This would be easy, though, if you already have the authority online. One announcement or so is all it takes for acceptance. Anyway, is this the same design you’re using today?

  2. Darryl, A new logo is like a new life! This was a new and better life! Yes, I am still using the new logo. I have tweaked the logo slightly but the original concept is alive and well. I am a graphic designer so lets hope I can design logos that stand the test of time. I had been online since 2004 and had a fair amount of followers and fans.... everyone loves the new look. Check out my work here.
    Thanks for your comment. Cheers & happy Monday!
