So, a week or so, before we headed out on our epic road trip, I dreamed about a new logo for lucky design 7. I got up early (real early, 6 am) and cranked it out. I love it. The new look really works for how I feel about my work today. It's also very cute, which in my book, is always good.
Anytime a business gets a new logo, it's like new life. Everything starts to change. So far, I have new business cards, and a new blog header. I am also in the process of designing a new website. My plan is to have the new site live by December. I put the pressure on this project, by paying my web hosting in three months increments, instead of my usual deal, which is to pay my hosting all at once, once a year. Believe me, I don't want to pay two hosting bills, even for a month, so this is excellent motivation.
This is a good strategy for any business trying to get an internal project done. If you don't find a way to put a very concrete deadline on a project, it won't get done.
Believe me, I am just like my clients. I have no problem finishing client graphic design projects, but mine for my business, TOUGH!
I recommend putting your internal stuff, on a list, just like you would for any other job. It's works. I promise.
Happy Friday folks. I am off to an appointment, and then a short work day, then it's the weekend! This weather won't last, enjoy it!