Asheville, NC to Bozeman, MT - 2,012 miles or 1 day, 8 hours of driving (32 hours)
(with stops in St. Louis - Oakley, KS - Denver, CO - Buffalo, WY)
Bozeman, MT to Lakeside, MI - 1,442 miles - 1 day drive (24 hours)
(with stops in West Yellowstone, MT - Livingston, MT - Buffalo, WY - Sioux Falls, SD - Rockford, IL)
Lakeside, MI to Asheville, NC - 661 miles - 11 hour drive.
This trip makes the little drive we do to get down to Baton Rouge seem like a super cake walk. (770 miles - 12 hours)
I am working on a post about the history of Yellowstone, the amazing neon - metal signs of the west and a couple of other random amazing places we passed through on this journey.
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